Other Countries / General Telecom Consulting

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APRG is the leading Asia Pacific market research company covering the technology, music and mobile sectors in Asia Pacific. For 15 years, we have been covering the mobile applications, services and mobile content markets in China, Vietnam, Indonesia, India, Thailand, Philippines, Pakistan. Latest subscriber trends and forecasts for mobile applications, 3G, Broadband, WiMax, Digital Music, IPTV. Emerging market trends for the wireless industry in India, Philippines, Indonesia, China, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam.
PageRank: 3/10
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BCE is Canada's largest communications company, providing the most comprehensive and innovative suite of communication services to residential and business customers in Canada.
PageRank: 7/10
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Angus TeleManagement Group, Inc. (originally ICA Telecommunications Management Inc.) was founded in 1980 to assist private and public sector organizations to understand, manage, and profit from the fast-changing telecommunications environment. Its clients ranged from small businesses to governments, multinationals and the United Nations.
PageRank: 4/10
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A Telecon, atual CTT Brasil, vem atuando no segmento de Consultoria e Educação em Internetworking e Telecomunicações desde 1984, consolidando ao longo desse período sua posição de excelência no mercado de Serviços de Educação Tecnológica.
PageRank: 3/10
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At Ovum we fully understand convergence across telecoms, IT services and software. We invest heavily in researching what is happening in a market that is dynamic and full of risk and reward. We analyse the changes and identify the threats and opportunities ahead for our clients.
PageRank: 6/10
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Cutler & Company has established a proven international standing in the industry through the application of expert commercial and regulatory knowledge and an ability to successfully reach creative and workable outcomes. To support its client relationships, the firm operates with an extended network of affiliated consultants and analysts, whose expertise can be drawn upon for particular projects and specialised tasks.
PageRank: 0/10
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