MDU Media Technologiesinc

Title: MDU Media Technologiesinc
Category: Wire and Cables
Clicks: 0
Listing added: Sep 10, 2008
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MDU Media Technologies Inc. formed in January 2003 Jeff Nadeau, president was an integral person in the development of structured wiring with Verizon Connected Solutions Inc. The product offering starting in the late 1990’s was offered to single family homes until 1999 when Verizon CSI began a Multi Dwelling Unit (MDU) project with Roseland Properties and Infinisys Inc. Jeff took over as the project and product development manager. While continuing to grow the business to meet the needs of the property owners and the product offerings Jeff increased the customer base to builders like Walters Homes, Kushner Properties, Trammell Crow and others. In 2002 Verizon CSI decided to exit the structured wiring and commercial wiring line of business. With projects in midstream and some up coming Jeff formed MDU Media Technologies Inc. to continue offering the services to multi dwelling property owners and single family home builders along with the commercial work.

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