Describe the CAVE algorithm used in IS-95?
nishanth 13-May-2008 07:33:15 AM


CAVE is used to authenticate devices.
Posted by waqqas1

Cellular Authentication and voice encryption (CAVE) algorithm are used for IS-95 cell phones and other devices that operate in these networks. CAVE is basically used to authenticate devices like PDA's on private networks.
Posted by sagitraz

Posted: 13-May-2008 09:24:39 AM By: sagitraz

Cellular Authentication and voice encryption (CAVE) algorithm are used for IS-95 cell phones and other devices that operate in these networks. CAVE is basically used to authenticate devices like PDA's on private networks.

Posted: 30-December-2008 02:56:32 PM By: waqqas1

CAVE is used to authenticate devices.