Friends, Can RTCP be optionally used instead of RTP?
michaeldavid23 23-June-2008 01:35:40 PM

Posted by crouse

Yes RTCP can be optionally used instead of RTP. If you use manual unicast (just send rtp from the broadcaster/encoder
to the server) then rtcp isn't required between the broadcaster/encoder
and the server. But for Announced unicasts use rtcp: This allows the server to tear down the connection and delete the sdp file when connectivity with the broadcaster is interrupted. You can reflect the manual unicast from the streaming server by placing a valid sdp file on the server. This is a static sdp file that won't disappear when the broadcaster/encoder
stops sending.

Posted by sagitraz

Can optionally be used with RTP to provide measurements and logical management of RTP sessions.
Posted by snjysanjay05

Posted: 24-June-2008 03:12:21 PM By: snjysanjay05

Can optionally be used with RTP to provide measurements and logical management of RTP sessions.

Posted: 27-June-2008 01:29:43 AM By: sagitraz

Yes RTCP can be optionally used instead of RTP. If you use manual unicast (just send rtp from the broadcaster/encoder
to the server) then rtcp isn't required between the broadcaster/encoder
and the server. But for Announced unicasts use rtcp: This allows the server to tear down the connection and delete the sdp file when connectivity with the broadcaster is interrupted. You can reflect the manual unicast from the streaming server by placing a valid sdp file on the server. This is a static sdp file that won't disappear when the broadcaster/encoder
stops sending.

Posted: 05-May-2009 04:46:36 AM By: crouse