Chris, which path do you recommend?
Leonardo 31-July-2007 04:18:54 PM


Hi! I generally recommend the two-exam path, particularly for those CCNA candidates that haven't taken a Cisco exam before. The Intro exam offers you a little more time and allows you to become comfortable with the Cisco exam engine, particularly the simulator questions. Let's face it, the CCNA single exam covers a lot of material, from basic networking to OSPF to router on a stick. Most candidates are better off breaking this huge amount of material into two distinct parts.

Don't get me wrong, I've had plenty of students and customers pass the CCNA composite. It can be done!

Posted by alwin

Posted: 25-September-2007 04:46:52 PM By: alwin

Hi! I generally recommend the two-exam path, particularly for those CCNA candidates that haven't taken a Cisco exam before. The Intro exam offers you a little more time and allows you to become comfortable with the Cisco exam engine, particularly the simulator questions. Let's face it, the CCNA single exam covers a lot of material, from basic networking to OSPF to router on a stick. Most candidates are better off breaking this huge amount of material into two distinct parts.

Don't get me wrong, I've had plenty of students and customers pass the CCNA composite. It can be done!
