what is the best way to deploy videoconferencing services?
elie 19-December-2007 12:44:53 PM


We also do not use it regularly but need it in place when we need it. We have a 100mbps line with burstable options up to 500mbps. It is an Ethernet hand off.
Posted by waqqas1

Video conferencing can be highly intensive bandwidth wise. We also do not use it regularly but need it in place when we need it. We have a 100mbps line with burstable options up to 500mbps. It is an Ethernet hand off. This was the most cost efficient way of doing this. We pay a little more when we need it but it is always there and ready to go.
Posted by marque

Posted: 19-December-2007 01:41:58 PM By: marque

Video conferencing can be highly intensive bandwidth wise. We also do not use it regularly but need it in place when we need it. We have a 100mbps line with burstable options up to 500mbps. It is an Ethernet hand off. This was the most cost efficient way of doing this. We pay a little more when we need it but it is always there and ready to go.

Posted: 31-December-2008 11:47:37 PM By: waqqas1

We also do not use it regularly but need it in place when we need it. We have a 100mbps line with burstable options up to 500mbps. It is an Ethernet hand off.