Explain the important term keepalive?
nirvan 07-March-2008 09:42:45 AM


Packets sent periodically to determine whether a remote device is in health condition and check heart beat. If the health or heart beat is not response then respond to the Oam for possible restart.
Posted by Sandeepen

keepalive packets are the packets which router sends to its peer to check if they are reacheable and if they contribute to packet routing.
Posted by bs_aggarwal

Posted: 08-March-2008 04:02:57 AM By: bs_aggarwal

keepalive packets are the packets which router sends to its peer to check if they are reacheable and if they contribute to packet routing.

Posted: 08-March-2008 01:13:57 PM By: Sandeepen

Packets sent periodically to determine whether a remote device is in health condition and check heart beat. If the health or heart beat is not response then respond to the Oam for possible restart.