Friends, How to create a phone book in spectra2?
casey 23-December-2008 08:55:45 PM


Yes sagitraz is right..
Posted by waqqas1

yup sagitraz right
Posted by Hash007

Please follow the below procedures:

->First you have to create a system configuration
->Then follow the link i.e Database->Phone Numbers->Adding Entry Button for phone book->Click phone book->Add From column value->Add To column value->Select an Algo and change it occurring rate.
Posted by sagitraz

1. Open a workspace.
2. Create a system configuration.
3. Click the Database tab -> Phone Numbers -> Add Entry button to add a phone book
4. Click the phone book.
5. In From Column enter the first value for a range of phone numbers in the From column.
6. In To Column enter the Second value for a range of phone numbers in the From column. Enter the second value for a range of phone numbers in the To column.
7. Select an algorithm, change rate, how often to use etc
Posted by sean

Posted: 26-December-2008 11:23:09 AM By: sean

1. Open a workspace.
2. Create a system configuration.
3. Click the Database tab -> Phone Numbers -> Add Entry button to add a phone book
4. Click the phone book.
5. In From Column enter the first value for a range of phone numbers in the From column.
6. In To Column enter the Second value for a range of phone numbers in the From column. Enter the second value for a range of phone numbers in the To column.
7. Select an algorithm, change rate, how often to use etc

Posted: 26-December-2008 12:07:55 PM By: sagitraz

Please follow the below procedures:

->First you have to create a system configuration
->Then follow the link i.e Database->Phone Numbers->Adding Entry Button for phone book->Click phone book->Add From column value->Add To column value->Select an Algo and change it occurring rate.

Posted: 26-December-2008 02:58:45 PM By: Hash007

yup sagitraz right

Posted: 30-December-2008 07:33:15 AM By: waqqas1

Yes sagitraz is right..