What is Mesh Topology?
nicholsonfenix 12-March-2009 06:16:54 PM


Posted by crouse

Mesh Topology Mesh Network is a network where all the nodes are connected to each other and is a complete network
Posted by sagitraz

Posted by Hash007

A full mesh is a topology with multiple point-to-point connections that connect each location to the others. The advantage is that you can send data directly from any location to any other location instead of having to send it through a central point. There are more options for sending if one of the connections fails. The disadvantages are that it is expensive and complex to implement a full mesh. You can compromise and build a partial mesh, which is when only some locations are connected to the other locations.
Posted by ambrose

Posted: 13-March-2009 02:08:45 PM By: ambrose

A full mesh is a topology with multiple point-to-point connections that connect each location to the others. The advantage is that you can send data directly from any location to any other location instead of having to send it through a central point. There are more options for sending if one of the connections fails. The disadvantages are that it is expensive and complex to implement a full mesh. You can compromise and build a partial mesh, which is when only some locations are connected to the other locations.

Posted: 14-March-2009 06:27:09 AM By: Hash007


Posted: 19-March-2009 03:40:12 AM By: sagitraz

Mesh Topology Mesh Network is a network where all the nodes are connected to each other and is a complete network

Posted: 15-June-2009 04:09:04 PM By: crouse
