A guy types in an excellent initial configuration on his new router, but when he tries to ping the interfaces, they don't answer. What could be wrong?
ambrose 02-April-2009 01:02:02 AM


there is no shut command
Posted by waqasahmad

Dear just try out no shut command for each interface.
Posted by sagitraz

Bob neglected to issue the no shut command at each interface.
Until you issue the no shut command at each interface, the interfaces will effectively be switched off.
Posted by nicholsonfenix

Posted: 03-April-2009 03:09:14 AM By: nicholsonfenix

Bob neglected to issue the no shut command at each interface.
Until you issue the no shut command at each interface, the interfaces will effectively be switched off.

Posted: 04-April-2009 03:03:54 AM By: sagitraz

Dear just try out no shut command for each interface.

Posted: 27-April-2009 02:41:49 AM By: waqasahmad

there is no shut command