How to make Mobile Phones Penetrate in India Rural Market

TelecomTraining Editor, Apr 23,2024 As per, India's mobile market size is 423 Million(2009) and India's Main line use is 37.54 Million (2009). What kind of offers and how to make it work is what every India Mobile Operators Marketing people and Management are thinking about. However, as per our analysis what rural area do need is a Walkie talkie kind of Nextel service where 4 member family can get one subscription plan and they can call each other unlimited. Truth to this offer and mobile phones reaching rural area is at least 2 years away. Therefore, the key focus is on how to

  • Make the service cost effective, simple to use and productive.
  • Provide coverage and Subscription plan to every village with entertainment focus.
  • Before creating mobile phones, entrepreneurs and Indian Political system should target and improve facilities on Rural India.
  • Bangalore & Gurgaon changed Indian economy in double digits, if Jobs reach rural area where labor charge is cost effective than cities then it would definitely help US & West.
  • While 70% of Indians live in rural areas, and Recession in mind , Rural folks do understand the current cost and need is something that is a value add and improves their day to day l
  • ife would be a Wonderful solution to go for it.

Let's make the Jobs go to the rural way and uplift Indian Economy.